Saturday, May 2, 2009

John Boyd Thacher State Park

9 am St. James Square Starbucks--The yellow bike pulls up. I am dressed far more warmly than I want. It's only 50 F outside, and there's a nasty little wind blowing. Weatherunderground said would be only 6 mph. It's blowing. Objective: the park.

We head out west on Nott, swing south on Regent to slip through Central Park, and over the Roosevelt, to pick up Kings Rd. and follow past all the historical marker signs to Old State. Once out there, we are warmed a bit by the activity, and begin the lefts and rights that take us past Pinehaven Golf to cross Western Ave. and pickup Foundry Rd. heading into the Helderbergs. 'Clear Mountains' says the sign, once you're up there, key to the North American geology!

We sail through Vorheesville, right onto the route to New Salem where I adjust the rear derailleur to shift with less trouble. I'd spun the adjustment CW, loosening, not TIGHTening, and so had to backtrack. I'm OK. The yellow bike notes that I'm using the middle chain ring in front, 'what seems to be the problem?'

So, I'm flying up the hill, Route 85, the right to begin the real pedaling. The wind, that had disappeared, blows in out faces once again and I consider another sport. We're up on top and enjoy the view while some troopers check out someone's driver's license in the overlook parking lot. Then reinforcements.

As a change of pace, we return the way we came. Don't do that too often; most trips here we push on through the park to sail down the other side through into Altamont. Thence Schenectady.

Today, we return the way we came.

Good thing I had the arm warmers. Needed equipment. It's only 52 F by noon when we're back in town.

Story told en route: during Robert Kennedy's campaign swing through W Virginia, a retired miner, grizzled with years of hard work underground, approaches the candidate on the speaker's platform. "You probably never worked a day in your life." Kennedy can't think of anything to say but the truth, compared to this man, "No, I just went to college, law school, . . ."

Miner: "Well, you haven't missed anything."

This in response to reflections on Ivy League schools or not for undergrads, untested, never been away from home longer than summer camp. Today's bill: $50 k/year with some help, still well past $20 k. Perfectly good undergrad lessons and expertise, available at the state college of your choice, the system you paid for throughout residence in the state, for lots less. With proper counselors, counselors at the targeted school for admission as a junior, the student doesn't lose one credit-hour.

I had planned on another route,

We'll have to do it another day. It took us nearly 3 hours to do the out and back, with a nice long break at the overlook.

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