Sunday, April 26, 2009

The ride today started with good intentions of returning after two hours in the saddle, come what may, just stop, you know, pedaling and turning around if necessary.

So I start for J. Boyd Thatcher State Park promising to keep my word, when the inspiration hits 'Why do the park?' I've done the park. Everyone does the park, why not something else this fine day?

Mistake one.

Over the hill and up the hill . . . instead of turn right from 85 to go up the hill to the Park entrance, I continue following 86. At 443, I take a left to go down hill into Clarksville, then on to Unionville, and of course, about this time I realize I have no more time, long since past that point, and no idea where I am. I can't turn around, so take New Scotland Square Rd. to find another rider with better bearings. 'Oh, yeah, to get back to Schenectady, just go up here to where this road ends, take a left (that will be 85), right on Swift Rd. and that will take you into Vorheesville. . . In Vorheesville you got options.'

I follow, he is turning left well before Swift, so off I go. I find V-ville, wander around trying to locate Wormer or Grant Hill Rd. I manage to lose Wormer, thinking the Albany golf course can't be what I want, then reorient correctly.

By this time a wind from the north has sprung up, I've run out of water, and I'm feeling a bit of a cramp coming on by km 75. By home, all is forgiven, but taking off my shoes sets off some cramping again. And I slip out of my clips with straightened legs.

Remember the 2 hour limit? Ha. 3 hours 7 minutes!

Lunch is ready after a quick turn at the computer to find out whether Angelina Jolie has clogged up the entrance ramps/exit ramps of I-787 in Albany, since a neighbor is leaving town briefly and needs this info to plan her drive to the train station.

A. Jolie is not clogging exits.

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