Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dunsbach Ferry and return . . . T>50 F & Thomas' first for the season

Installation of odometer and tempo display, we togged up and got a start at 3:30 or so. Warm direct sun and diminished wind compared to earlier made for a nice start, but I put on the long sleeves anyway. Soon we were tooling down the street in our residential area on the way to fun. We wheeled through Edison Woods onto a familiar track . . . River Rd. We hit Rosendale, no one in sight, then on to the 'S' around to the straightaway toward the city park, then Old River Rd. 

Much less snow, ice and ick. Indeed, the rains have washed the surfaces clean of most everything that could wreck a bike or an outing. It's still bumpy out there on the bit from turn-off to Vly, to Fort's Ferry. We pass WTRY towers, the dip, then up the tiny hill to turn left to Shaker Bay. No water. The dry weather for the past few days has helped a lot. 

We do the Shaker Bay loop; then onto the route through the trees. . .. course right now, it's pretty brown and clear so you can see into the trees. 

Water treatment plant for Colonie on the left and right, so on to the gentle rise to the benches, dip to the road below, and encounter a family out for a ride. We zoom under the Twin Bridges (I-87) and right to go up the hill to Dunsbach Ferry . . . then to climb to the top, County View is not a misnomer; it's a great view in the winter. No leaves to get in the way. 

Return by the same route even down to the short cut. . . 

Nice 40 km ride. 

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