Monday, March 15, 2010

Second ride -- cool evening ride following change to Daylight Savings Time

Overcame the temptation to bag it, dressed, took down the frame and front wheel, and headed out for a quick on starting at nearly 6:15 pm. Cloudy weather, cool, but not too bad, 51 F. Left home, and spun north toward the escarpment, the river, and crossed on Freeman's Bridge. Some traffic but not jammed. Turned right onto Maple Ave. Haven't tooled along this skinny shoulder-equipped ride for a while. In winter, you can see everything through the foliage bare trees. RR tracks, to Alplaus, and right onto Alplaus Avenue, past Bill's place.

At the historic home on the corner, turned right down the 146 approach to the Rexford Bridge. Right at the light past the canoe place, boat house, access to the Mohawk during warmer weather. Cross over to the trail and bag the idea of going along Aqueduct to the Rec Center. Wonder: is the trail clear of snow and ice?? Big gamble.

Pans out. It's clear but there's work going on and the trail has nearly a half-dozen spots where gravel (sharp stone) has been laid down as part of the work. Pavement is a mess, but OK. No snow and ice!!

Up the hill in the middle chain ring in front, what a wimp, to the top. No water flow across the path. Then the residential section, to cross Balltown. Ho hum.

Rail trail is clear.

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