Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rensselaerville from Stewarts at 443 and 85

Into the teeth of the fiercest wind we've seen in a while, I go up Wolf Hill on 85. Sunday's little trip started at 1:30 pm with a 30 minute drive out tot he starting spot. I parked the car in a short pull-out on 85.

So up the hill, into the wind, building character, I think I was traveling 13 kph until the top of the plateau. following 85 west for another 12 miles.

I'd planned a ride to Middleburgh, but it was not in the cards or in the direction of the wind. I took Route 6 north to Berne, and following a right turn onto the route 443 followed a rolling, green, route all the way to the 443 - 85 intersection I'd passed an hour 50 minutes earlier. It's all downhill from there. But scary in view of the wrecky pavement.


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