Monday, August 30, 2010

Finally, Sterling Rd. uphill

Finally, I got my chance to go up Sterling Rd. . . .
On a hot day, with plenty of sunshine, thus it was yesterday, Sunday, 29 August 2010.

I drove over to the Rice Rd. parking spot near Lock 9. Not too many fishing at 9:30 or 10 am Sunday morning. It was hot and getting hotter. I debated what exactly to do in the way of a ride, but opted for a "two hills +" and was getting ready to do a Schermerhorn or Crawford, mighty Crawford, when I got the inspiration to do a Route 160 up the hill onto the plateau and then zoom down Rynex-Pattersonville to cross over to the Glenville Hills.

That even seemed a little boring, so I pulled the gear out of the back, clipped in, checked the water situation, and set off without being entirely convinced I knew what I wanted to do.

Soon I was hooked into a 25 mph zone then took the old Erie Canal towpath from the standard 5S route through Rotterdam Junction. I came out of the trail in time to see the rail cars parked right in the way. Someone had put up cement wall sections to discourage traffic like me. I walked through, up and across the rails, down the other litter-strewn side of the path to come out on the 5S . . . LEFT to go west and I passed Rynex-Pattersonfille Rd. thence on to Rte 160.

Left or up or south and you're into it immediately. Every time I encounter this hill I want to go off on Florida Rd. which seems to be very inviting, because it's flat. I gain elevation. Then it flattens out as the road gains an altitude it likes. I pass a couple of roads to the east that I've taken or thought about before. Then, I see it . . . Sterling.

Doesn't look that bad . . .

Then the switchbacks start and grade increases, but if Ti Man were here, he'd just switch to a lower gear and hammer. Not me. Nope.

The sun is hot. I haven't had enough to drink. I am beginning to weave across the road so I don't stop!!


I'm at the top, finally, and find I'm going to turn left onto 160. I just turned off of 160 and now I return to it. I have to take a map on these trips -- that's it.

I DO have a compass, knowing how well I orient in the hills above the Rotterdam, so I check and the shadows are sharp; I'm not too lost. Yet.

159 looms, and I turn left again and find myself at Mariahville Lake!! I'd just spoken to a colleague who lives up here 'Stop in any time. Really. We'd love a visit from a tired and worn out rider.'

I fit the description. But it was one hour into it and I had to get back for lunch. . . . so I hammered a way and it paid off. I kept up a 30 mph+, 40 mph in spots, ride down from the plateau. To eventually turn left at Rynex Corners. . . to roll up the infamous Rynex hill to Upper Gregg Rd. and Crawford intersections.

Then DOWN hill for minutes, honestly, it was superb!!

But NO!!

I'm dreaming. I took Ennis and had to battle the little rollers, residential spots, intersections, and finally, after ablastdown that hill, I connected up with 160 again, again, and rolled on to the down pipe into Pattersonville.
Nice Ride.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Alcove from Voorheesville by way of Coymans Hollow

I was all set to ride with the guys this morning at 7 am . . . run up to Thacher S.P. when the alarm went off at 6:21 am, I went back to sleep and finished a couple of bagels, as a result, at 7 sharp! Ha. too late for that ride.

So I planned a quick run south to Alcove Reservoir, near the town of Alcove, NY, itself.

As you can see, it starts at the New Scotland town park near Voorheesville, on Swift Rd. Nice place to start. Always lots of parking and you can pick shade at 7:30 am, there aren't too many there barring the occasional runner out for a couple of km in the early morning cool.

So I went over to (east to) 306 that will take me south to Feura Bush, thence to Old Quarry Rd. or 102. Nice ride. It stays level with the terrain for some time. Later, farther south, it takes on a rolling up and down, follow-the-terrain aspect, and 'countryside' is the word that comes to mind. The route becomes Starr Rd. and goes past Joraleman Park near the intersection with Route 143. West on Route 143 quickly gets you to the turn-north on Stanton Road. . . although staying on 143 takes you into the burg of Alcove, NY, itself. It's Route 301, I can't find the map ref., but it is a less used road.

Historical markers have started sprouting up everywhere. Most of the names are Dutch or nearly so. The folks from Europe who settled here were from the Netherlands. The pavement is cracking a bit near 143. Residences line the route and one finally rips down a 5 or 6% downhill section (on which it is easy to go 40 mph, and you CAN go 45, I tried) and T's into 396. Go left, or stay on 301, either direction will serve. You cross 32 or Indian Fields, but if you stay on 301, the payoff is worth it. It is a pretty road and it is in good condition.

I reconnected with 443 in Clarksville. Left takes you up to the intersection with 85 at the Stewart's Shops and home (Voorheesville) by the regular route. I chose to stay on 85, something I'd not done in a while if ever. I rolled up to the town park after 1 h 55 m on the road. The count on my odometer was 60 km for an average a little better than 30 kph. Nice ride. Pretty country.